Friday, August 1, 2008

the new world order

This is what im looking at, the future; its not what we make it.. the future will come about all by its self; every breath we take every move we make will only lead to out enviable ruin. What will be left to take our place in 1000, 2000, 3000 years.. that’s for the future to know.. and only ours to speculate.. we are now; so live in the now and don’t be afraid of the future cos u don’t make it, it makes U!

RuN! for it is all around u..
stop and it will engulf u..
look back and you will waste the present..
and a present is what it is..
look forward and u see nothing..
space is for nobody, but a body takes up space..
area is not a number..
distance is not a measurement it’s a constant battle for reason..
it exists bcos we want it 2..
we are the creators in an space with no limitations..
what can be crated belongs in the virtual cos the real wouldn’t understand.

Walk, enjoy, it will be all we have left in the future…….

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